Tuesday, December 22, 2015

FIFA 16 Strength Skills Analysis

Happy leveling, especially with cheap fifa coins online!  You should now have enough skills to help you level quicker and easier in fifa 16. It's a good idea to participate in as many of these as you can while you're leveling.

Shot Power can determine the speed of the ball. Higher the shot power in the fifa 16 game, quicker the ball runs so that role-player could react in shorter time. Players of top power are P. Pogba 91, F. Guarín 92, Naldo 92, Z. Ibrahimovic 93, L. Podolski 93, Cristiano Ronaldo 94, Hulk 94, Ronny 95.

Jumping mainly affects header ball. While jumping the role-player with higher jumping value is easier to get header ball in fifa 16. However, if the header ball is of low value, it is also not easy to get. Players of Jumping power are W. Osuji 94, Kim Soo Beom 94, E. Hurtado 94, C. Beauvue 95, A. Caracciolo 95, D. Mattocks 97.

Stamina in fifa 16 has impact on the speed of role-player. In the fifa 16 game, higher stamina ability of strength of role-player, more slowly the physical strip being reduced. Insufficient stamina will weaken the speed of the role-player. Players of stamina ability are L. Bender 94, R. Nainggolan 94, Ramires, Allan 94, V. Darida 94, A. Khrees 94, E. Osadebe 94, C. Kramer 95.

Strength controls the touching ability of role-player's body. So role-player with higher strength value could take a big advantage during the physical confrontation. In the fifa 16 game there are G. Elokobi 95, J. Olave 95, R. Torres 95, A. Ba 95, C. Samba 96, A.Akinfenwa 98 that of top strength ability.

Long Shots influences the goal accuracy outside the penalty area. With higher shot power, curve ability and cheap fifa coins, role-players often give a heavy-artillery long shot in fifa 16. Here are some of the top long shots players: A.Robben 90, F. Guarín 90, Hulk 90, P. Pogba 91, Cristiano Ronaldo 93.

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